Sound and highly effective solutions for getting your website found through expert Enhanced Internet Marketing and Social Media strategies!

You've got a brand new logo. Sweet! You even have some great printed materials. And the website... out of this world! Now, where is everyone? Hello?
"If you build it, they will come." But, only if they know it's there. And once they come, then what? The biggest challenge when using the Internet to help grow your business or practice is getting your content in front of the right audience. And that is exactly what my Enhanced Internet Marketing and Social Media service does. With my knowledge of fully optimizing websites and understanding of the trends and habits of people using the Internet, I am able to get quality traffic to your website as quickly and plentifully as possible.
Internet Marketing includes proper optimization of your website for the search engines, but more importantly, the effective use of Social Media, Blogging, and other direct ways to reach out to your potential customers or clients. I will help you strategize and execute your Internet marketing plans for best results.
Social Media Implementation, Strategies and Bootcamp
- Social media Implementation. Never before has the importance of Social Media been so incredibly high in relation to your success online. It's not enough to simply "be" on Facebook or Twitter or any of the other social networks. There are sound strategies that must be utilized and I help you do that. Based on your audience, I will implement the appropriate social media into your website. The more popular you are on those websites, the more popular you can become in the search engines. There are many social and technological reasons that this is so effective. Get the most from social networking to give your website that boost to the top!
- Social Media Bootcamp Included! We have recently added an amazing new program that you will not find elsewhere as part of a marketing strategy. We know how busy you are and having to learn the ins and outs of proper social media usage can be daunting, confusing and time consuming. And that is why you will be enrolled in our new Social Media Bootcamp! This service includes one-hour training consultations for a period of ten weeks. You will learn how to utilize social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and blogging techniques. Consultations can be over the phone, through video conference, or face to face, and each session will hone your brand's voice and expand your social media presence. CLICK HERE to get full details.
Other Important Services Included
- An in-depth consultation to understand your goals so a strategy can be developed. This includes learning more about your business and your audience.
- Keyword research and implementation. An important part of optimizing your website is including the correct "metatag keywords". This is a list of words that folks are likely to enter into the search engines in order to find your website. The most popular and most relevant ones need to be programmed into your website to tell the search engines "Hey! This is what I'm about!" The search engines appreciate this (when it is done properly). I continually research the best keywords for your website and program them onto each page of your website.
- NOW AVAILABLE! Optimized Content Writing & Editing! When creating your website content, extra attention needs to be paid to how it is written, as you are now writing for two audiences: your potential customers or clients and the search engines. For example, placement of keywords into your content are necessary to give you that boost in the search engines. There is a technique to all of this. Now, you can add this service to ensure it's done right and take the burden off your hands! CLICK HERE to learn more.
- Search engine submissions. I perform a highly efficient submission of your website to all of the major search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.), relevant minor search engines, indices, and related site listing websites such as industry-specific listing websites.
- Technology updates. The programming methods used to build your website are very important for this service. As technology is always improving, there may be times that crucial technological updates are needed for your website. Many do not realize that ignoring technical updates could actually be a detriment to their website' search engine rankings. Well, now you are not one of those people. Those updates are done for you behind the scenes.
- Software and Standards.The major search engines are constantly changing their software and standards that they use to give websites their rankings on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). I am fortunate enough to be on the cutting-edge of information and technology changes that could potentially adversely affect your website. When new standards are implemented or there are software changes that can affect your rankings, any necessary changes, if any, are made to your website.
- Backlinking The more quality websites that have a link back to a page on your website, the better. The search engines put a lot of clout in websites that are listed by others, as it is assumed that your website is thus an authoritative one. However, not just any links from websites are helpful. Links from popular, well-visited websites that link back to yours are what is most important. That is one of the reasons linking from social media websites is so important! Good, quality websites linking to yours is extremely helpful. I am constantly seeking out the best websites on which to get backlinked and work to get you on them.
- Regular reviews. Regular reviews of your website are performed. That way, we are able to maintain your website's good standing in the search engines, make any changes that may be necessary to help it, or make recommendations that you may need to do on your end to help improve your website's visibility or maintain its great ranking.
- Concepts Dynamic Analytics and Stats (CDAS) program. Because of its importance, you are required to subscribe to this analytics service. It was developed to give you live, up-to-the-second statistical information to track how well your website is doing. This is a feature-rich, highly informative program that helps you and us in ensuring we are getting the best results.
Depending on your website, your goals, and your competition, more may need to be done and the service is tailored to those needs. This is a very unique, tailor-made service that can help you achieve your online goals and is highly recommended to anyone seeking growth and success online.